Infant & Adult Baptism
The Baptismal Covenant is God’s word to us, proclaiming our adoption by grace, and our word to God promising our response of faith and love. Those within the covenant constitute the community we call the church; therefore, the services of the Baptismal Covenant are conducted during the public worship of the congregation.
The United Methodist Church practices infant baptism. Baptism places the child and parents, as well as the congregation, in a covenant relationship with God. Therefore, a child’s parents are expected to profess their faith in God and promise to raise their child in the knowledge and love of God until that time when the child can profess his/her faith before the church. This assumes that the parents will be active in the church (even if not members of First Coral Gables) so that they can fulfill these vows to the best of their ability. The congregation also affirms its commitment to the family to help provide a community where the child and parents are nurtured in the Christian faith.
Adult baptism is for adults who have never been baptized as infants and would like to become members of First Coral Gables.
If you would like more information on baptism for an infant or a believing adult, you may call the Church Office at (305) 445-2578. Click here for more information about what it means to be baptized in the United Methodist Church.
Membership or regular attendance at our church is not required, and there is no cost for baptism. Please keep in mind that a meeting with the pastor is necessary before baptism takes place.
If you would like to begin the process of scheduling a baptism, please complete the online form below. We look forward to welcoming you into the family of faith!